Results for 'Jörn Henning Wolf'

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  1.  63
    Models, Simulations, and the Reduction of Complexity.Ulrich Gähde, Stephan Hartmann & Jörn Henning Wolf (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Modern science is, to a large extent, a model-building activity. But how are models contructed? How are they related to theories and data? How do they explain complex scientific phenomena, and which role do computer simulations play here? These questions have kept philosophers of science busy for many years, and much work has been done to identify modeling as the central activity of theoretical science. At the same time, these questions have been addressed by methodologically-minded scientists, albeit from a different (...)
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    Up or Out. Arbeitsbedingungen und -zufriedenheit des religionswissenschaft-lichen Nachwuchses in Deutschland.Thorsten Wettich, Evelyn Reuter, Isabella Schwaderer, Paul Henning Wolf & Sven Wortmann - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 31 (1):71-94.
    Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie basiert auf einer quantitativ-qualitativen Erhebung der Arbeitsbedingungen und -zufriedenheit des religionswissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (d. h. ohne unbefristete Anstellung als Professor*in). Die Erhebung wurde von Mai bis Juli 2022 vom Arbeitskreis Mittelbau und Nachwuchs (AKMN) der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft (DVRW) durchgeführt. Sie ist eine erweiterte Variante einer Erhebung von 2015. Auf der Grundlage der Umfrageergebnisse werden die Arbeitsbedingungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf berufliche Perspektiven und persönliche Lebensumstände der Betroffenen beschrieben und mit denen von 2015 verglichen. Zudem werden (...)
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  3. Meaning in Life and Why It Matters (Markus Rüther).Susan Wolf - 2011 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (3):308.
    Most people, including philosophers, tend to classify human motives as falling into one of two categories: the egoistic or the altruistic, the self-interested or the moral. According to Susan Wolf, however, much of what motivates us does not comfortably fit into this scheme. Often we act neither for our own sake nor out of duty or an impersonal concern for the world. Rather, we act out of love for objects that we rightly perceive as worthy of love--and it is (...)
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  4. The Variety of Values: Essays on Morality, Meaning, and Love.Susan R. Wolf - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    For over thirty years Susan Wolf has been writing about moral and nonmoral values and the relation between them. This volume collects Wolf's most important essays on the topics of morality, love, and meaning, ranging from her classic essay "Moral Saints" to her most recent "The Importance of Love.".
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  5. Asymmetrical freedom.Susan Wolf - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (March):151-66.
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    “I Said What I Said”—Black Women and Argumentative Politeness Norms.Tempest Henning - 2021 - Informal Logic 41 (1):17-39.
    This paper seeks to complicate two primary norms within argumentation theory: 1) engaging with one’s interlocutors in a ‘pleasant’ tone and 2) speaking directly to one’s target audience/interlocutor. Moreover, I urge argumentation theorists to explore various cultures’ argumentative norms and practices when attempting to formulate more universal theories regarding argumentation. Ultimately, I aim to show that the two previously mentioned norms within argumentation obscure and misrepresent many argumentative practices within African American Vernacular English—or Ebonics, specifically the art of signifying.
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  7. Visual feature integration and the temporal correlation hypothesis.Wolf Singer & Charles M. Gray - 1995 - Annual Review of Neuroscience 18:555-86.
  8.  53
    Beyond "Genetic Discrimination": Toward the Broader Harm of Geneticism.Susan M. Wolf - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):345-353.
    The current explosion of genetic knowledge and the rapid proliferation of genetic tests has rightly provoked concern that we are approaching a future in which people will be labeled and disadvantaged based on genetic information. Indeed, some have already suffered harm, including denial of health insurance. This concern has prompted an outpouring of analysis. Yet almost all of it approaches the problem of genetic disadvantage under the rubric of “genetic discrimination.”This rubric is woefully inadequate to the task at hand. It (...)
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  9. The Shifts and the Shocks; What we’ve learned – and have still to learn – from the financial crisis.Martin Wolf - 2014
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  10. The Moral of Moral Luck.Susan Wolf - 2001 - Philosophic Exchange 31 (1).
    This essay is primarily concerned with one type of moral luck – luck in how things turn out. Do acts that actually lead to harm deserve the same treatment as similar acts that, by chance, do not lead to harm? This paper argues that we must recognize the truth in two, opposing tendencies in such cases.
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  11. The importance of free will.Susan Wolf - 1981 - Mind 90 (February):366-78.
  12.  20
    Pragmatic Action.Richard Alterman, Roland Zito-Wolf & Tamitha Carpenter - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (1):53-105.
    This paper begins with a discussion of two features of the everyday task environment. First, the everyday task environment is designed, and an important part of the design is the provision of explicit information to guide the individual in the adaptation of his activity. Second, some task environments are semi‐permanent. These two features of the task environment reveal some important characteristics in the psychology of the individual. When novelty occurs, expansion in the range of behavior of the individual is guided (...)
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    Über das Glück: vier Vorträge.Henning Kössler (ed.) - 1992 - Erlangen: Auslieferung, Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen.
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  14. Save their souls : historical teleology goes to sea in nineteenth-century Europe.Henning Trüper - 2015 - In Henning Trüper, Dipesh Chakrabarty & Sanjay Subrahmanyam (eds.), Historical teleologies in the modern world. London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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  15. Collective responsibility+ with accompanying selected bibliography-clearing up misunderstandings.Jc Wolf - 1993 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 100 (2):337-356.
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  16. Essentials of Scientific Method.A. Wolf - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (11):386-387.
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  17. Names, nominata, the forms and the Cratylus.Df Wolf - 1996 - Philosophical Inquiry 18 (3-4):20-35.
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    Clarke's Rejection of Superadded Gravity in the Clarke-Collins Correspondence.Lukas Wolf - 2019 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 36 (3):237-255.
    In the past, experts have disagreed about whether Samuel Clarke accepted the idea that gravity is a power superadded to matter by God. Most scholars now agree that Clarke did not support superaddition. But the argumentation employed by Clarke to reject superaddition has not been studied before in detail. In this paper, I explicate Clarke's argumentation by relating it to an important discussion about the possibility of superadded gravity in the Clarke-Collins correspondence. I examine Clarke's responses to Collins and draw (...)
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  19. Die deutsche Reichstheorie in der Reformationszeit.Erik Wolf - 1944 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 10:115.
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  20. From frisco to Disco (1960-1980)-the cultural legacy of protest.H. Wolf - 1980 - Journal of Thought 15 (4):37-51.
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  21. Imprescindible: la crisis del agua.Aaron Wolf - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:153-157.
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  22. Weltgeheimnis Dreieinigkeit.Carl von Wolf - 1938 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann.
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  23. Hegel's Metametaphysical Antirealism.W. Clark Wolf - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-22.
    This essay defends a reading of Hegel as a metametaphysical antirealist. Metametaphysical antirealism is a denial that metaphysics has as its subject matter answers to theoretical questions about the mind-independent world. Hence, on this view, metaphysical questions are not, in principle, knowledge transcendent. I hold that Hegel presents a version of metametaphysical antirealism in the Science of Logic because he pursues his project by suspending reference to all supposed objects of metaphysical theory as practiced before him. Hegel introduces reference in (...)
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  24. Consciousness and the binding problem.Wolf Singer - 2001 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 929:123-46.
  25.  45
    When and Where I Carry.Tempest M. Henning - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (1):117-133.
    In light of the January 6, 2021, insurrection on the Capitol, this article considers the Second Amendment as an example of how Black women are quasi-citizens within the United States. I focus on the Second Amendment to not only give an account of the historical and contemporary ways guns are used to terrorize Black women but to also show the jeopardization possessing and carrying firearms pose to Black women in both individuated and systemic cases. By turning to the Second Amendment, (...)
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  26. Moral obligations and social commands.Susan Wolf - 2009 - In Samuel Newlands & Larry M. Jorgensen (eds.), Metaphysics and the good: themes from the philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Why we should have seen that coming.M. J. Wolf, K. Miller & F. S. Grodzinsky - 2017 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 47 (3):54-64.
    In this paper we examine the case of Tay, the Microsoft AI chatbot that was launched in March, 2016. After less than 24 hours, Microsoft shut down the experiment because the chatbot was generating tweets that were judged to be inappropriate since they included racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic language. We contend that the case of Tay illustrates a problem with the very nature of learning software that interacts directly with the public, and the developer's role and responsibility associated with it. (...)
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    Platons philosophische Entwicklung.Hans Henning Raeder - 1973 - Aalen,: Scientia Verlag. Edited by Plato.
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    Reviving Concurrentism About Death.Aaron Wolf - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (2):179-185.
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    Irritation und Improvisation: zum kreativen Umgang mit Unerwartetem.Robert Gugutzer (ed.) - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Zum Alltag gehort, dass nicht immer alles glatt lauft. Uberraschendes passiert, Routinen greifen nicht mehr, das Selbstverstandliche wird problematisch. Wie reagieren Menschen auf solche Irritationen, die aus dem "plotzlichen Einbruch des Neuen" (H. Schmitz) resultieren? Wie es scheint, haufig spontan, intuitiv, improvisierend. Was aber heisst Improvisation und wie gelingt sie? Und wie spielen Irritation und Improvisation in alltaglichen und beruflichen Situationen konkret zusammen? Die Beitrage des Buches behandeln diese Fragen aus der Perspektive der Neuen Phanomenologie. Mit Beitragen von Heinz Becker, (...)
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  31. Jahwe als Krieger.Henning Fredriksson - 1945 - Lund,: C. W. K. Gleerup.
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    Kosmopolitismus ohne Grenzen? Neuere Literatur zur globalen Gerechtigkeit.Henning Hahn - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 62 (4):584-597.
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    From the Anthropocene to the Ecozoic: Philosophy and Global Climate Change.Brian G. Henning - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):284-295.
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    Marx und die Monster des Marktes: Kleine philosophische Bilderkunde.Christoph Henning - 2018 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 43 (3):353-370.
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    Freedom and Creation in Schelling.Henning Tegtmeyer & Dennis Vanden Auweele (eds.) - 2022 - Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    This volume is dedicated to the exploration of the connection between freedom and creation in Schelling’s late philosophy. It contains contributions of internationally renowned and younger Schelling scholars from several countries. The scholarly interest in Schelling’s late philosophy has considerably increased during the last decades. Together with the rising number of available primary texts and translations, this has led, among other things, to a received scholarly view of Schelling’s Erlangen, Munich, and Berlin years that partly challenges and partly rejects many (...)
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    The potential impact of quantum computers on society.Ronald de Wolf - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):271-276.
    This paper considers the potential impact that the nascent technology of quantum computing may have on society. It focuses on three areas: cryptography, optimization, and simulation of quantum systems. We will also discuss some ethical aspects of these developments, and ways to mitigate the risks.
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  37. The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance.Julia Wolf - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):317-328.
    In 2009, Greenpeace launched an aggressive campaign against Nestlé, accusing the organization of driving rainforest deforestation through its palm oil suppliers. The objective was to damage the brand image of Nestlé and, thereby, force the organization to make its supply chain more sustainable. Prominent cases such as these have led to the prevailing view that sustainable supply chain management is primarily reactive and propelled by external pressures. This research, in contrast, assumes that SSCM can contribute positively to the reputation of (...)
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    Perceived Conventionality in Co-speech Gestures Involves the Fronto-Temporal Language Network.Dhana Wolf, Linn-Marlen Rekittke, Irene Mittelberg, Martin Klasen & Klaus Mathiak - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Students' responses to scenarios depicting ethical dilemmas: a study of pharmacy and medical students in New Zealand.Marcus A. Henning, Phillipa Malpas, Sanya Ram, Vijay Rajput, Vladimir Krstić, Matt Boyd & Susan J. Hawken - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (7):466-473.
    One of the key learning objectives in any health professional course is to develop ethical and judicious practice. Therefore, it is important to address how medical and pharmacy students respond to, and deal with, ethical dilemmas in their clinical environments. In this paper, we examined how students communicated their resolution of ethical dilemmas and the alignment between these communications and the four principles developed by Beauchamp and Childress. Three hundred and fifty-seven pharmacy and medical students (overall response rate=63%) completed a (...)
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    Patent Fairness and International Justice.Clark Wolf - unknown
    In 2002, Hugh Laddie lamented the “blind adherence to dogma” that had led to an apparent impasse in philosophical and practical discussions of intellectual property : “On the one side, the developed world side, there exists a lobby of those who believe that all IPRs [intellectual property rights] are good for business, benefit the public at large, and act as catalysts for technical progress. They believe and argue that, if IPRs are good, more IPRs must be better.”1 But “on the (...)
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    Implementing Regulatory Broad Consent Under the Revised Common Rule: Clarifying Key Points and the Need for Evidence.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Leslie E. Wolf & Mark Barnes - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (2):213-231.
    The revised Common Rule includes a new option for the conduct of secondary research with identifiable data and biospecimens: regulatory broad consent. Motivated by concerns regarding autonomy and trust in the research enterprise, regulators had initially proposed broad consent in a manner that would have rendered it the exclusive approach to secondary research with all biospecimens, regardless of identifiability. Based on public comments from both researchers and patients concerned that this approach would hinder important medical advances, however, regulators decided to (...)
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    Audio-visual crossmodal fMRI connectivity differentiates single patients with disorders of consciousness.Demertzi Athena, Antonopoulos Georgrios, Voss Henning, Crone Julia, Schiff Nicholas, Kronbichler Martin, Trinka Eugen, De Los Angeles Carlo, Gomez Francisco, Bahri Mohammed, Heine Lizette, Tshibanda Luaba, Charland-Verville Vanessa, Whitfield-Gabrieli Susan & Laureys Steven - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Politische Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.Karl Ballestrem & Henning Ottmann (eds.) - 1990 - München: De Gruyter.
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  44. Zeitgestaltung als Aufgabe der Lebenskunst Sommerakademie zu Ethik und Ökologie sowie VISION e. V. Als Impulsgeber für die Lebensführung.Heike Engelhardt, Bianca Blancke & Hans C. Henning - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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  45. Experimentelle Ästhetik (Matthias Neuber/Regina Schidel).Günther Kebeck & Henning Schroll - 2011 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (3):253.
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    Chevron morphology in deformed semicrystalline polymers.M. Krumova, S. Henning & G. H. Michler - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (12):1689-1712.
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  47. Genes, identity and clinical ethics under conditions of uncertainty.Rebecca Wolf, Michael Joseph Young, Michael Ashley Stein & Harold J. Bursztajn - 2015 - In Gerard Quinn, Aisling De Paor & Peter David Blanck (eds.), Genetic discrimination: transatlantic perspectives on the case for a European-level legal response. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  48. (1 other version)The philosophy of Nietzsche.A. Wolf - 1915 - London,: Constable & co..
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    The Law of Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Establishing Researchers' Duties.Susan M. Wolf, Jordan Paradise & Charlisse Caga-Anan - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):361-383.
    Technology has outpaced the capacity of researchers performing research on human participants to interpret all data generated and handle those data responsibly. This poses a critical challenge to existing rules governing human subjects research. The technologies used in research to generate images, scans, and data can now produce so much information that there is significant potential for incidental findings, findings generated in the course of research but beyond the aims of the study. Neuroimaging scans may visualize the entire brain and (...)
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  50. Kant's Conclusions in the Transcendental Aesthetic.W. Clark Wolf - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In the Transcendental Aesthetic (TA), Kant is typically held to make negative assertations about “things in themselves,” namely that they are not spatial or temporal. These negative assertions stand behind the “neglected alternative” problem for Kant’s transcendental idealism. According to this problem, Kant may be entitled to assert that spatio-temporality is a subjective element of our cognition, but he cannot rule out that it may also be a feature of the objective world. In this paper, I show in a new (...)
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